Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Download more than two things at a time in Internet Explorer

From a Steve Bass article in the June 2004 PC World:

To increase the number of IE download streams in Windows XP, add a couple of registry entries under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings.

1. Back up the key before you proceed!
2. Choose Edit, New, DWORD Value
3. Type MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server=Dword:0000000a, and press Enter.
4. Right-click the new entry, choose Modify, check the Decimal radio button, enter 10 under 'Value data', and click OK.
5. Repeat these steps to create a DWORD Value in the same key named MaxConnectionsPerServer=Dword:0000000a with the same settings as the first one you created
6. Close the Registry.

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