Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Iperf - Bandwidth Testing Tool

Iperf is "a tool to measure maximum TCP bandwidth, allowing the tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics. Iperf reports bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram loss."

This is an interesting tool used to test network throughput. I stumbled across it in an Ars Technica Forum thread.

The recommended syntax and options (from the Ars thread):
server: iperf -s
client: iperf -c server -l 64k -t 15 -i 3 -r


Unknown said...

Hi jim,
do u know any other tool for bandwidth measurement...
i knw iperf is a gud option but it requres server configuration too.
but is there any tool by which i can measure bandwidth...

Jim Cross said...

If you are just trying to measure throughput, I'd recommend you try